Dhanashree Verma, the former wife of Chahal said that she doesn't need anyone to climb up the social ladder. However, truth be told, people barely knew her before she married Chahal. Yes, she was a dancer and people knew her but she wasn't popular. It was only after being photographed with Chahal that she received the wide recognition that she enjoys today.
Anyway, even if we keep the popularity aside and for a moment, assume that she didn't need Chahal to become popular, why does she need Chahal now for alimony? If she is self-made and financially independent, why is she claiming the alimony of 4.75 crores unless she's greedy? She could have refused to take the alimony!
A woman is strong and independent only outside the court. I have never seen a woman say that they are strong and independent inside a court. She didn't need Chahal to climb up the social ladder but she will now use him to climb up the financial ladder and I think this is very wrong. The law is too partial and heavily one-sided. The fear of alimony is one of the reasons why men fear marrying the wrong woman on today's date.
By the way, they didn't stay married for 4 years. They had separated in 2022 itself and it took about 2.5 years to eventually get divorced. Chahal seems to have moved on and Dhanashree will also move on eventually. But taking money from someone when you are already making money yourself is very wrong! Had she been uneducated and unemployed, it would have made sense.