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Is it possible to earn respect with money?

Is it possible to earn respect with money?

Thank you 
iCriticalThinking.org, Ex-IRS, Author, Educator 

Every year, the top engineering (IITs) and management (IIMs) colleges in India make headlines for the salaries offered to their graduates.

Just a couple of days ago, the news regarding the job place of IIM Lucknow 

made headlines, with following key points.

  • A total of 570 students received more than 600 offers for jobs.
  • The maximum domestic salary package (CTC) was Rs 75 LPA (Lakhs per annum)
  • The maximum international package (CTC) was Rs 65 LPA.
  • The median stipend/salary offered to students was Rs 32.3 LPA.

The average salary today of graduates in India would be in the tune of around 2LPA.

Hence, millions of Indians strive to get into IIT/IIM in India where they get 10–40 times more salary than their counterparts who graduate from ordinary colleges.

It is thus evident that a higher salary or income earns you instant respect in society because a higher income is also an indication of a higher ability in the person.


  • The rank of an education institution is measured based on the salary its graduates get.
  • Even within the same institute, students who earn higher salaries are respected more than those who earn less.

However, money gives you respect only when it is earned through legitimate means.

When you earn money through illegal means, you lose all respect in society.

For instance, Pooja Singhal, IAS, lost all respect in the society when she was found to be in posession of hugeamount of money, beyond her legal source of income. 

When a huge amount of corruption money is recovered from an IAS officer, not only the person but the entire service, and even the profession, loses respect in society.

Hence, you can earn respect with money only if you earn it through legal means.

If money is earned through corrupt or criminal means, it only earns notoriety rather than respect.


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