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20 fitness lies keeping you fat and weak:

20 fitness lies keeping you fat and weak:

Thinking Boxx Team 
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1. "Supplements are important."

Supplements are last on the list. Stop blowing cash on them. Focus on training and nutrition.

2. "More workouts = better results."

Nope. Most people would build more muscle by doing *less* but training harder.

3. "Lifting heavy is the only way to get stronger."

Wrong. You can get stronger in different rep ranges. Constantly maxing out leads to injury and no progress.

4. "You need to eat clean to lose fat."

Calories decide fat loss. You can get fat on 100% "clean" foods or lose fat eating some junk from time to time - if you're in a calorie deficit.

5. "Eat big to get big."

This will just make you fat. Use a *small* calorie surplus if you want lean muscle growth.

6. "No pain, no gain!"

Pain = injury. Discomfort pushing hard reps = progress. Learn the difference.

7. "Fat-burning workout classes help you lose fat." .

Exercise is a poor way to lose fat. Diet does the heavy lifting.

8. "Sweating means a good workout."

Sweat just cools you down. You could sit in a sauna and sweat buckets. All you'd lose would be temporary water weight.

9. "You need cardio to lose fat."

Fat loss is 100% dependent on a calorie deficit. You can get into one without cardio.

10. "Fast weight loss is good."

Fast weight loss should be met with caution.

Losing more than 1% of your weight per week regularly may mean you're losing muscle and the process is less sustainable.

11. "Avoid machines for muscle gain."

Machines are great. They help you train closer to failure for the actual muscle you want to target. Don't avoid them.

12. "Train each body part on separate days."

Chest day, leg day, back day… waste of time for most people because of the diminishing returns from every set. Group muscles and train more efficiently.

13. "You can train a muscle again after 1 day off."

Depends. Recovery time varies. Older guys often need 72-96 hours between sessions.

14. "Warm up with cardio and stretching."

Bad idea. It can worsen lifting performance. Use lighter sets and mobility drills if needed for specific joints.

15. "Cheat days won't affect results."

Cheat days can *destroy* progress if you're having them regularly. The idea that a shit ton of calories didn't count because you called it a "cheat day" is ludicrous. Track calories and fit treats in without blowing your deficit.

16. "You can eat anything if it fits your macros."

True for body comp, but not health or performance - which in turn will affect body comp. Eat junk, feel like junk. Aim for 80-90% whole foods.

17. "Complex programs get better results."

Wrong. Simple, consistent training gets you strong. Focus on mainly compound lifts and getting stronger with the same handful of lifts that covers your whole body.

18. "No soreness = a bad workout."

Soreness doesn't equal progress. As you adapt, soreness decreases. Progress happens anyway.

19. "Workouts need to be at least 45 minutes long."

Your body doesn’t track time. 15 minutes of focused intensity is more effective than 45 minutes of fluff.

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