What is the most important lesson you've learned?
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- People leave when they can’t hold on anymore.
- True love never dies, but people may walk away for different reasons.
- Many people dislike you, especially if they see you as competition.
- Most people (95%) will choose money over love.
- Taking things for granted makes them lose value in your eyes.
- No one loves you like the one who stands by you through thick and thin.
- You see how much people care when you need their help or support.
- People meet to part, but some part to meet again.
- Money and connections bring friends. People like being around successful individuals.
- Wealthy people are often humble, while rich people can act proud to feel better about themselves.
- We become what we make of life, not just what life throws at us.
- Someone won’t always be there to catch you. Learn to be your own savior.
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