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If you're still in your 20s and 30s, focus on this in the next 10 years and you'll be wealthier than 97% of people in their 40s..

1. Wake up at 4 AM

Don't dread to wake up early.

This will save you 3 hours before your day starts.

Cultivate successful people habits.

• Make your bed

• Read 50+ pages

• Take a glass of water

• Hit 200 pushups + 100 squats

Success is hidden in your daily routine.

2. Set aside 50 minutes of your day to read

88% of financially free people are addicted to learning.

Financial education is self-taught.

Read books on:

• Human nature

• Psychology

• Philosophy

• Business

Save yourself from mediocrity.

Use the knowledge you obtain and let it improve your mindset.

Build a silent wealth;

• A great physique

• Stay anonymous

• A clear mind

• Filthy rich

This will make you win over 99% of people.

3. Learn a high-income skill.

You don't have to complicate it, do this;

- Choose a skill

- Select 10-20 YouTube channels teaching the skill

- Binge watch it for 100 days

- Start to practice as you get better

I recommend these 4 skills.

Pick one skill and develop it for 90 days;

• Sales

• Coding

• Copywriting

• Forex trading

Fact: A skill is 10 times more valuable than a degree.

4. Workout 5 times a week

If you can't work out every day, how can you expect to even be rich?

Set aside 40 minutes a day to do this;

• Hit 300 push-ups (30×10)

• Do 200 squats (20×10)

• Perform planks (1min×2)

In 6 months, you'll have formed a chest, strong arms, and legs.

5. Connect with high-value people.

Before you consider this, first invest in yourself.

Do this;

• Invest in expensive shoes

• Dress clothes that fit

• Have a good haircut

• Smell nice

You attract who you are.

6. Create 15+ streams of income.

Use people to multiply yourself.

Set aside 30 minutes a day to learn;

• Persuasion

• Communication

• How to delegate tasks

It'll be 10x more easier to control everyone around you.

To diversify your sources of income, do this:

• Invest in assets

• Open 10+ businesses

• Start online businesses

Create money options.

There's no limit as to how much you should make.

Follow this space if you want appreciate me.

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