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How do I avoid loss and earn consistently from stock markets?

How do I avoid loss and earn consistently from stock markets?


Since Adam and Eve until today, there has been no trader who took no losses.

Yes, I am a professional trader.

Yes, I have losing trades.

Yes, I have losing months.

I do have losses but I have been consistently profitable for over 8 years now because -

  • My strategies work for me (and my personality).
  • Have a true statistical edge.

It’s as simple as that. Because I don’t break my own rules, because I don’t turn a bad setup into a good one just to chase a monthly income goal.

I have been consistent and I have made millions with trading.

Today, my day, week or month is not bad because of losing trades because I know that I am still within the statistical range.

Instead of focusing on how to avoid loss in trading, we should always focus on building an edge and staying in the game even in losing days.

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