20s are actually the years of transition happening in our life. How your life changes depends on you.
Yes doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, all you need is courage, dedication and passion.
Below are things I learned one should do in their 20s.
- Work hard in the field that you like. Experiment if you are not sure
- Don't stop yourself because of social pressure. You want to blog Go do it.
- Invest 10% of your salary in SIP and increase it yoy by 10-20%
- Don't rush into anything like have to buy a house, or fancy car..Don't be hard on yourself Take it slow You will be happy
- Spend on experiences. Plan budget travel and explore places. The exposure you get when you travel in 20s is very different than your 30s travel experience. You will be proud of person you will become.
- Plan solo trip atleast Once and you will realise your unexposed potential and how capable you are
- Meditate and eat healthy 70% of the times
- Choose your Friend Gang Wisely. Yes It has a direct influence on how your life can be
- Fall in love, fail in love but learn from it to figure what you don't want or want from your life partner and Choose wisely the next time
- Keep learning and Keep working on your skills
- Spend time with your family
- Fail fast and scale fast
- Bad phase of life should not hold you back..trust me you are a few steps away from wonderful things. Keep On trying.
I remember my early 20s when I was in college when I felt like a complete failure even after being the topper and I could not go to the college friends trip to Jaipur as I wasn't placed yet. I was alone on my birthday, sad and disappointed
But Fast forward to today I am 35 year old who has explored more than1000+ cities on OWN.
Your day will come. DON'T be harsh on yourself but rather challege yourself in a positive way.
All the best.🙏