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Never Force a Relationship

1. Sometimes, it’s better to let go of someone who doesn’t truly see you for who you are. There will be moments when your absence teaches you more than your presence ever could.

2. You need to stop hurting yourself by trying to make a relationship work when it clearly isn’t right.

3. You can’t make someone care about you for real.

4. You can’t make someone be loyal to you.

5. You can’t make someone be the person you want them to be.

6. Sometimes, the person you want the most is actually the one you’d be better off without.

7. You have to realize that some people come into your life for a reason, but they aren’t meant to stay.

8. When you love someone, be careful not to lose yourself trying to fix something that was never right. You won’t get the love you need from someone who isn’t ready to give it back.

9. I know it’s tough when you meet someone and feel like they could be the one, but then realize they’re not who you hoped they'd be.

10. No matter how much you cry at night, you will eventually heal from that relationship and find the person you’ve always dreamed of. Your future will help you understand why things didn’t work out before.

11. One important lesson I’ve learned is that it’s better to be single than to settle for less in a relationship.

12. If someone sees you as just an option, they don’t deserve to be a priority in your life.

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