1. Work out LESS.
Fewer sets. Fewer workouts. It's all about the minimum effective dose to KEEP your muscle. Beyond that, just save your energy. Lose fat with your diet, not your workouts.
2. A calorie deficit is everything for fat loss. Make sure you're tracking every bite.
3. Eat satiating foods. Some foods fill you a lot for the calories. Others don't. Eggs do. Cereal doesn't. Find the ones that do.
4. Eat more protein. Protein is very satiating and you burn more calories digesting it.
5. Split your protein intake up. You want to lose fat, not muscle. Studies show that older people who got most of their protein in one meal lose more muscle than those who split the same amount of protein across all their meals.
Make sure you're getting protein at every meal.
6. Play with meal timing. Eating can stimulate hunger. If you're not hungry yet, wait a bit longer to eat.
7. Log meals in advance. If you know what you're having for dinner, log it ahead of time. This helps you see what you've got available to eat for lunch.
8. Eat fewer processed foods. They make you hungrier, are harder to stop eating & you burn fewer calories digesting them.
9. You don't need to go "monk mode". Most of your diet should be whole foods, but save some calories for treats. Just make it fit.
10. However much fat you think you have to lose to be ripped, double it. You have more fat than you realise.
11. Track your steps. When you're in a calorie deficit for long enough you'll get lazy. Keep up your movement to prevent fat loss slowing down too much.
12. Don't neglect sleep. You'll be hungrier and crave high carb + fat combos if you don't get enough sleep.
13. Batch cook, track it once. Cook yourself a big batch of something that fits your macros well and is delicious.
Track it, then always make it the same way. Now you don't have to track it again, just load up your saved recipe.
14. If you're not losing weight, you're not in a calorie deficit. Your tracking probably isn't accurate enough. Make sure you tracking EVERYTHING and doing it properly.
15. Swap out heavy squats and deadlifts. They'll beat you up when your recovery capacity is diminished. Switch for lighter sets a bit further from failure, or variations like romanian deadlifts.
16. Take your weight daily but only look at trends. Compare weekly averages.
17. Meals don't have to be bland. There's plenty of condiments that don't add calories. Use salt, hot sauce, salsa, seasonings, spices etc.
18. If you have to eat out, have a plan. Look at the menu. If they have calorie guidelines, use them. If not, see what you could estimate.
19. You don't have to do cardio. It helps you to get into a calorie deficit but you can get there without it.
20. If you have a binge, get back on track ASAP. Start tracking again. You can average the calories out, but the best thing is just to get back on plan.
21. Eat the same things regularly. My years of coaching people to lose fat have taught me that people who don't get bored easily do well. If you want exciting things to eat all the time you'll find it harder.
22. Save calories for later in the day. Evenings often go to shit.
23. Zero calorie drinks are useful for hitting a sweet craving.
24. Popcorn is handy if you want something low calorie that feels like a treat.
25. 0% natural Icelandic or Greek yoghurt + chocolate whey = a chocolate desert with 50g protein.
26. Losing fat is simple, but not easy. You can get lean fairly easily, but reaching single-digit body fat requires sacrifices that might not be compatible with a social lifestyle.
28. Don't worry massively about carbs or fats. Hitting protein & calorie goals will work.
29. You won't look like a fitness cover model at 10% body fat if you haven't spent years building muscle first.
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