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What is the significance of "World Soil Day"? Why is soil so important?

What is the significance of "World Soil Day"? Why is soil so important?

Thinking Boxx Team

December 05/24 Bhubaneswar Orissa 

Rice, Roti, Dal, Dosa, Idli , Noodles, Pizza, Pasta, Sambar, Chutney, Chai- Samosa, Coffee- Biscuits, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Honey, Millets, Apparel, Clothing, Chair, Table, Pencil, Tyres, Oil, Camphor, Incense sticks….and the list can go on. Every day you need one of these, some of these or may be all of these and many more items. The one and only source that makes all these things possible is SOIL.
Does it ring a bell??……If Yes, let it be a loud and clear one. Because Soil is Life. No Soil means No Life!! And we are very rapidly losing this priceless resource on our planet.

As we can see, almost everything essential for human survival and the entire life on the planet comes from soil. The very air we breathe water we drink and almost all the food we eat is dependent on soil for their sustenance. Only a rich soil can sustain the rich biodiversity, flora & fauna, color, beauty and incredible variety of Life on our planet. In short we can say that, the quality of the soil determines the quality of our life on mother earth. It is not surprising that the word ‘soil’ is synonymous with the word ‘earth’ itself.

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