I was 63 and would have gone on to 65, but the company made it worth my while. I loved what I did and was not looking forward to retirement.
Packing and moving stuff to my car, friends helped.
Walk around to say, good bye.
I was 63 and there were hundreds of people pass through my life. It was nice that all the 20 somethings put a card on my desk signed by them all.
My boss asked me if I wanted the usual open house event in a conference room with a cake and lots of strangers or would I prefer a private lunch in a nice restaurant:
I said the latter. My Mom, wife Melissa, and teammates:
My lawyer and patent attorney
"The world is but a canvas to our imagination (Henry David Thoreau)."
I love seeing the seasons really change day by day. That just wasn’t possible- getting home at dusk. I get to take daily walks with Melissa and our four dogs.
I raise bees and sell Faber Family Honey nationally. (@Faberfamilyhoney).
When I look around and see how wonderful my life is, I got to remind myself, I earned it.