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What's the worst way someone became famous?

  • Lost : As a 10 year old ; Kale Tamang got separated with his younger sister in Kathmandu.
  • These children son of carpet weavers had gone to Kathmandu to weave a carpet.
  • But, Kale lost his way and wandered here and there till a Tibetan Yak herders found him.
  • Lonely : They took him to Tsum Valley near China border; where he worked for 30 years as Yak herder.
  • He forgot his parents ;language and village. Like a bonded labor ; he worked day and night.
  • All he got was food ; a ram shackle bed and old clothes.
  • He did not have any national identity card or document to prove his identity.
  • Naturally, no girl was willing to marry him.
  • Luck : As luck would have it ; Bidhya Chapagain; a celebrated Nepalese woman journalist shot a web documentary on him.
  • His story emotionally touched Bidhya who decided to locate his parents; family and village.
  • She persuaded his employees to let him meet his parents.
  • Bidhya -like a loving guardian - finally located his parents ;who lived in Bhojpur.
  • It was not easy task as his family had taken him to be dead.
  • It was an emotional scene when he met his aged and helpless parents and poor family.
  • Life : After release of this web documentary ; Kale became instantly popular across Nepal.
  • He got a call from Nepalese Prime Minister who invited him to be his official guest.
  • A Nepalese tycoon offered him 1 million Nepalese rupees.
  • He soon received national citizenship card.
  • A private airlines offered him air ticket.
  • Well, fashion models and educated women professionals wanted to marry him.
  • His home was rebuilt.
  • His Tibetan employers set him free.
  • Fact : It took nearly 30 years ; before Kale or Prakash could lead a dignified life.
  • Well : “” t's horrible how money and fame can make you acceptable while, if you're not famous or rich, you're not acceptable.””: Bruno Tonioli
  • Pic Credits : Google Images/web

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