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What is the most clever life hack you've learned?

I don't know if this is clever or not but it has helped me in tough times.

Whenever I am in a do or die situation, under too much pressure, where I can't step back or feel hesitant to move forward, I use this. Especially when there is an impossible deadline.

I call this the “Split Personality Disorder” mode.

It's simple.

Turn the "split personality disorder" mode on. You are a completely different human being now who has been transferred into this person's soul so that you can help him out. You have been paid from him to solve his problem. To take him out of the situation successfully. But if you fail, you have to return the money back. But don't worry, coz if you pass, you are getting more money, as much as you want. There's no pressure, it's a good deal. Help him out now. Only you can save him. Good luck!

I have directly copied this paragraph from my Keep Notes.

Now, let me tell you the psychology behind this.

When we try to help someone out, we automatically tend to work better. And that inner pressure you feel, tends to vanish because it's not technically “your problem” anymore. It's more like your client's problem. And he is seeking your help.

It can't guarantee you success, but trust me it takes you super close to it.

Disclaimer: It has worked for me and I know how to bring “me” back. But it might not work for you. Even if you are trying it, use it only when it's actually necessary. And I do not recommend this technique to be used quite regularly.

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