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Nine things only mature people can tell you:

Nine things only mature people can tell you:

  1. Never use a person to forget another.
  2. Don't go back to less just because you are too impatient to wait for better.
  3. The real flex is being private, staying low-key and telling no one about your life.
  4. Attracting what's right for you will require you to finally let go of what isn't.
  5. Someday you will look back and no exactly why it had to happen.
  6. If everyone is your friend, you have a problem.
  7. You can't trust anyone with personal information.
  8. When you build in silence,people won’t know what to attack.
  9. Everyone leaves. You will learn how to be alone and not feel lonely.
  10. You either get busy living or get busy dying.

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