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I'm trading from the last 4 years and I learned a lot. My 90 percent trades are correct but still I'm not profitable. What are some suggestions?

  • I knew that reversal was fake.
  • I should have moved my stop loss to break even.
  • I shouldn’t have traded again.
  • The institutional traders took me out again.

You are too emotional and that’s why you will never be a profitable trader. Stop crying over what you think you did wrong on your last trade. All you are doing is wasting your energy on something you can not change. The traders who think like this are the traders who never become profitable.

So focus on the things under your control, instead of crying about it, ask yourself these.

Did I follow my strategy?

Did my setup appear?

Did I apply proper risk management?

If you answered yes to all of these, congrats that was a good trade.

Understand that even if you do everything “right”, you can still lose a trade.

And even if you break every rule in trading, you can still win a trade.

But at the end of the day, it’s all about having that statistical edge.

Where you can be so sure that even if you lose more times than you win, you still walk away profitable.

And you get to stay profitable for decades when the rest of these retail traders are losing.

You already know that psychology and mindset is very important in trading.

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