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If you could pick one rule or strategy to day trade successfully, what would it be?

The topmost rule will always be discipline.

Discipline is a muscle. Exercise it and it will become stronger.

Each time you break your trading rules, each time you allow you allow your lower nature to pull you down into mediocrity and each time you allow your amateurish behavior to give that lower nature more power.

If you pay close attention to your own trading journey, when you break your rules once, it becomes much easier to do it the next time around. You may bend your rules once then all of a sudden, you are trading like a degenerate, you spiral out of control. I have been there.

And even worse, you make money breaking your trading rules.

This is one of the worst thing that can happen.

But on the opposite end of the spectrum, when you are disciplined, when you make a conscious decision to follow your plan and operate like a professional, you strengthen that discipline.

Its a muscle, the more you train it, the stronger it gets.

And when you do have those slip ups which we all do from time to time, no one is perfect, those times where you break your rules, you must punish that behavior so next time, you will think twice before making that mistake again.

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