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What are some mind blowing life hacks?

1. Talking slower is a sign of confidence in what you are saying. It’ll make you look more dangerous.

2. Never respond immediately, wait a few seconds and do it cold & concisely.

3. Walk with your shoulders back & always maintain good posture.

4. Don't worry what someone thinks about you.

5. When you smile, use your eyes not your lips. Looks more genuine.

6. Willingly accept what is outside your control and do not respond to it.

7. Live your life. Create a vision of what you want and follow that no matter what.

8. Stop asking for permission, seeking attention & validation and do what you think is right.

9. Become strong in mind, body, spirit, and emotions. I have always talked about the how. But today is just about the overview.

10. Learn how to fight and get into a fight, so you realize you're not made out of glass. Do it in a boxing gym.

Seems a bit shallow but I hope this could be slightly helpful to at least one person.


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