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Top 10 observations about being an engineer

What are the top 10 observations about being an engineer

Post Credit:- By Ronald Klemencic, P.E., S.E., Hon. AIA, NAC, NAE, F.SEI, Dist.M.ASCE/Thinking Boxx Team 

Ronald Klemencic says:-
I wish I’d known how much I had yet to learn when I began my career. Our careers are journeys through which we learn from our successes and failures. For me, this journey is now approaching 40 years. Although it’s impossible to sum it all up in just a few words, here are some highlights. For those who remember David Letterman, I offer this in the style of a Top 10 list:-

10. Our fundamental charge as civil engineers is to efficiently and effectively deploy the world’s limited resources for the betterment of humankind. Be proud, as this is truly a noble calling!

9. As consulting engineers, our true deliverables are ideas and advice. Drawings, specifications, spreadsheets, and computer models are only tools of conveyance. Hone your communication skills to best convey your ideas.

8. Civil engineers are leaders by nature. Leverage your leadership skills for the betterment of your clients, projects, and team members.

7. Math and science trump opinions, folklore, and even code provisions. When in doubt, revert to first principles and seek to simplify problems.

6. Twisting the words in the building code is not creative engineering. Seek to understand the objectives of code provisions and then be creative in satisfying the objectives.

5. Collaboration, even with competitors, is key to the broad adoption of new ideas, methods, and innovations. Be bold and share.

4. Know what you believe in and stay true to your values. Don’t fall prey to herd mentality or the trend of the moment.

3. A vision can be realized through relentless pursuit, but it requires adjustments, flexibility, and course corrections along the way. Remember that innovation requires flexible tenacity.

2. Learn as much as you can, whenever you can, from whomever you can. Continual personal growth is essential to success and ongoing relevance. Be insatiably curious.

1. All the highlights of my career relate to the amazing people I have had the privilege to interact with and be inspired by. Enjoy the journey and value the relationships you form.

This article first appeared in the July/August 2024 issue of Civil Engineering as “Wish I'd Known.” 

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