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How has stock trading changed your life?

It’s crazy how much trading has changed my perspective on life and business.

I realised you have to start looking at everything in your life as a trade.

The goal for any investment should be a potential positive return.

When you start looking at everything in your life as a trade, you can really reflect on the time that’s being spent and ask yourself “Is what I am doing bringing me a positive or negative return?”

What are you putting your energy towards?

How does it positively impact your life over the next week or month?

This helps you greatly when you apply it to your finances as well. You will think twice about making purchases that really hold no value and bring no return on what you have invested.

Even with people you decide to spend time with. From a risk vs reward perspective, how much time are you risking with individuals you can;t build with and 5–10 years down the line, what can this relationship produce?

The outcome does not by any means have to always be monetary but how you choose to spend your time, money and energy and finances should all bring in some type of positive return into your life and you have to decide what that is.

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