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Why do 90% of intraday traders lose money?


Greed destroys traders.

Stop focusing on money.

Focus only on execution and risk.

That’s when greed goes away.

In the battlefield of trading, greed is the enemy.

It blinds, leads to reckless gambles and invites the ruin.

Victory lies not in the pursuit of gold but in the art of execution and the strategy of risk management.

Execution is your weapon. Swift, efficient, unclouded by emotion. It demands a plan, a strategy, unswayed by the chaos of the market.

Risk management is your shield. It measures the enemy, anticipates the blows and prepares for the worst. It knows when to retreat, when to diversify and when to stand firm.

Master these arts and you conquer greed. Your path becomes clear, your decisions informed, your success more certain. In the discipline of strategy, not the lust for gold, lies the true power of a trader.

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