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20 Tiny Habits That Will Change Your Life In 6 Months

1. Make your bed

Build momentum + set the tone for the day. Your future self will thank you.

2. Take an 'internal shower'

Drink a full glass of water right away. 60% of your body is water. Replenish it.

3. Jump rope for 2 mins

This will activate your mind + body.

4. Step outside

Jump rope outdoors? Get 2-for-1. A healthy tide of cortisol is released when you step outside at daybreak, allowing you to become more alert.

5. Review your goals

6. Hide your phone

Remind yourself who you want to be. 14% who have goals are 10x more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals are 3x more successful than the 14%..

7. Read a passage

Philosophy, religion, etc. Read philosophy (or scriptures) before you check your phone.

8. Water a plant

Learn to take care of something other than yourself. Pets are great; plants are smaller-scale.

9. Take a 1-2 min cold shower

Take a regular shower, turn the water cold for the last 1-2 mins. You'll feel ON.

10. Send a good morning text

Gm texts make someone's day.

11. Charge your phone outside of reach

The morning alarm will spring you out of bed. And the day is on.

12. Practice 4-7-8 breathing

The breathing technique will help you alleviate stress and fall asleep fast.

Here's how to do 4-7-8 breathing

1. Breathe in through your nose for a 4-second count.

2. Hold your breath for a 7-second count.

3. Exhale for an 8-second count, making a "whoosh" sound through pursed lips

4. Repeat up to four times, twice per day.

13. Give your mind an overnight task

Upon closing your eyes, give your mind a job. "How might I make an extra $1k each month?"

Don't try to solve it then; just release it to your subconscious (which will work on it overnight).

The best productivity app on your phone is called airplane mode (use it).

14. Score your day with music

Music is a powerful mood enhancer. Almost everything is more enjoyable with music, right? So enjoy it.

15. Drink water before meals

Drink a glass of water before your meals. You'll feel fuller (and prevent overeating).

16. Write down tomorrow's 3:3:3 plan

3 hours on your most important project

3 shorter tasks

- 3 maintenance activities

Defining a "productive day is crucial or else you'll never be at peace.

17. End workday with a shutdown ritual

Create a short shutdown ritual Close your lap, plug in the charger, spend 2 mins tidying your desk. Then say "shutdown".

Separating your life and work is key.

18. Journal 1 beautiful life moment

Delicious tacos, presentation you crushed, a moment of inner peace. Write it down. Gratitude programs a mindset of abundance.

19. Lay out clothes for tomorrow

The best morning routine starts the night before.

20. Pack healthy snacks

People are the worst version of themselves when




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