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13 rules to improve yourself

1. Every day, read at least 20 pages. Books

have the highest ROl in the world.

2. Set boundaries with others. People will

take advantage of your kindness.

3. Don't take anything personally; instead,

work hard to correct it and demonstrate

who you are.

4. Have a good circle of pals. Our future is

determined by who we spend the most time


5. Don't wait for the perfect moment. There

is no such thing as an ideal time; we only

have nOw.

6. Work hard and stay motivated by your

ambitions, not your addictions.

7. Get to know new individuals. You'll go

places you never thought possible thanks to


8. Exercise daily and eat healthily. You are

the best possible version of yourself.

9. Sleep for at least 7 hours per day to

increase your mood and mental strength.

10. Make a morning routine to help you be

more productive.

11. Develop skills that will pay you $500

every week. Create your future now!

12. Never rely on your 9-to-5 salary. Begin

by developing 5 or more income streams.

13. Minimum 5 minite meditate daily.

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