What is the best thing that you changed about yourself?
- I started sleeping before 11 PM.
- I started waking up in between 6 to 06:30 AM.
- I started chasing goals.
- I stopped chasing unimportant things and people.
- I started eating on time.
- I started donating 5% of my salary to poor people.
- I started meditation.
- I stopped smoking.
- I stopped frequent masturbation.
- I stopped watching porn. I recently deleted almost 1 TB of porn.
- I stopped rash driving and started driving safe.
- I started talking to my parents on daily basis.
- I stopped reacting in the moment of anger.
- I stopped giving unnecessary fucks to people.
- I stopped trying to change people.
- I started exercising daily (20 push-ups a day at home).
- I started staying away from toxic people.
- I started taking “No” as a “NO”.
- I started letting go the things which I can’t control.
- I stopped expecting from people.
- I started writing on regular basis.