- Write things down - our brains are for having ideas, not holding them.
- Take a second to pause before you respond. Become less reactive.
- Read something every day. Even just one page.
- Write something every day. Even just one paragraph.
- Automate and batch as much as you can. Our brains have more room to be creative when they're not constantly making decisions.
- Get some sun on your skin as early as you can in the day.
- When your brain hurts. Stop working. Take a quick break to disconnect and recharge.
- Limit your to-do list to the top 3 most important tasks of the day.
- Write down anything that resonates with you.
- Break down goals into the smallest steps possible.
- Value your time above all else.
- Find hobbies that engage your mind and soul - do them as often as you can.
- Place your phone outside the room while you're working.
- Track everything you do for one day to the minute. Find where the time-sinks are.
- Stop comparing you behind the scenes to everyone else's highlight reel.
- Be bored more often. Our minds get the best ideas when they are allowed to wander.
- Listen more than you speak.
- Create more than you consume.
- Compliment more than you complain.
- Delete apps you don't use.
- Donate clothes you don't wear.
- Serve others as much as you can. This is a powerful source of happiness.
- Make a habit of reaching out to old friends.
- Never say “yes” simply because you feel obligated.
- Take care of your information diet - Junk info hurts our brains like junk food hurts our bodies.
- Look at your phone less, look at people's eyes more.
- Revisit things that have brought you joy in the past. They will probably do it again.
- Set time limits on tasks. Use “Parkinson's Law” in your favor.
- Remember people's names and use them often.
- Remember you're going to die one day.
If you liked the post.