19 sentences that will maximize your social intelligence
- To solve an issue quickly, be soft on the person and hard on the problem.
- Pretend everyone was sent to teach you something.
- Pause in speaking + eye contact = confidence.
- Make people feel important with the SHR Method: Seen, Heard, Remembered.
- A person's favorite sound is their name, so remember it.
- "Praise publicly. Criticize privately"
- To give feedback, first make the other person know you're about them.
- "Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments"
- The best networking strategy is a helping others first strategy.
- Loneliness is a silent pandemic; assume people want to meet you.
- Build the habit of responding with "Yes, and" because it advances their idea.
- Avoid complaining or gossiping (nobody likes to hear it).
- Storytelling is a superpower; use a structure like setup, tension, & resolution.
- Every dog has its day because dogs are friendly lesson in there).
- "The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.
- To discover blind spots, build an inner circle that will give you honest feedback.
- Normalize "I don't know anything about that yet" as a successful answer.
- Record and study your speaking like an athlete watching game film.
- "Great leaders create more leaders, not followers."