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What are some important and generalizable life lessons?

  1. Patience is the key. Crocodiles don't go hunting. The prey comes to them.
  2. Listening is the greatest life skill. Talking and not listening is the greatest folly.
  3. If you don't want other people to control your life avoid looking for a job no matter how high the pay.
  4. Life has its irony. In school, people who succeed are those people who excel academically. In real life, people who succeed are those people who failed in school.
  5. Don't worry or stress yourself when you wake up each morning feeling like a failure or things are not working for you. That's how life is designed. To feel bad when life is working for you.
  6. The school of life is strange. People who actually succeed feel like they're total failures. And in fact, they fail multiple times until they lose count.
  7. Don't hate anyone no matter how you feel about them. They have no idea that you hate them. You're only hurting yourself.
  8. In this life, your life is not sealed by fate. That's the wrong way of looking at life. Your life is really like a blank cheque for you to fill with any number you decide.
  9. We’re all born clean from debt. However, the lifestyles and paths we decide to choose puts us in all manner of debts that we will probably never recover from.
  10. Be thankful for what you have, and don't stress yourself about what you don't have. Life won't give you what you don't have until you're grateful for what you have.

I’ve actually written a book about these life lessons. “Naked Quotes: A Collection of Life Quotes” is a book I wrote way back in 2018 when life wasn't so fair on me. It has since sold hundreds of thousands of copies online and changed the lives of millions of people. Details can be found in my Quora bio.

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