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12 Self-Destructive Habits to Stop

1. Scrolling addiction:

Finding it hard to resist the temptation to endlessly browse social media or websites.

2. Snooze habit:

I was struggling to get up on time and constantly hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock.

3. Negative influence company:

Spending time with people who hurt your life.

4. Morning phone check:

Immediately check your phone upon waking up, even before getting out of bed.

5. Self-deception:

Being dishonest with yourself about your habits or actions.

6. Excessive sugar consumption:

Having a habit of consuming too many sugary foods or drinks.

7. Punctuality issues:

Consistently running late for appointments or meetings.

8. Negative assumption:

Always expecting the worst-case scenario to Happen.

9. People pleasing:

Always saying yes to please others, even when it's not in your best interest.

10. Television addiction:

Spending excessive amounts of time watching TV or streaming shows.

11. Overanalyzing:

Spending too much time thinking about a situation and not taking action.

12. Being overly critical:

Finding faults in others and frequently voicing negative opinions.

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