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What was your biggest profit incurred at stock market?

Too many traders are trying to prove that they are better than the next trader, instead of just being the best version of themselves that’s the reason they are interested in other’s profits.

Ever since I have been in this industry, I have seen people make money and immediately compare it to someone else who made 10x more money than them and feel terrible or compare it to someone who is not as good and acts macho. Relax.

No reason for any of that. Too many traders act like they focus on themselves but they really don’t. Most people need to be happy with the profit they can take from this crazy market and bounce.

Be motivated by others but never envious. Be grateful for the position you are in but never over leverage and risk too much just to catch up.

It’s YOU vs YOU. It always has been. No one compares. Focus on the longevity of your trades. Not the immediate gratification. It will be better in the long run.

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