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Is day trading more about strategy or psychology? How do these elements intertwine to influence success in the trading world?

No strategy will work without the correct psychology.

One of the most slept on keys to success in life but specifically for trading is the power of vision and the practice of visualization.

  1. We first have to understand everything starts with our mind. Think about everything man made even the device you are reading this on was just once a thought in someone’s mind.
  2. Once you know everything starts as a thought you can start to choose to think thoughts and create a picture of what you want your trading success to look like.
  3. Don’t expect the vision to be automatically be clear at first. With repetition the vision you set will become more clear and start to crystalize as a future reality you are actively creating for yourself.
  4. When you get your vision clear, you must also add emotion when seeing the outcome you want. By tying the feelings of deep gratitude to your vision, you are becoming thankful for what hasn’t actually came yet in physical.
  5. Your emotions also act as a magnet to attract what you seek faster to you and greater than you could ever imagine.
  6. After you visualize daily, make sure you are aware of the choices you make daily and determine whether they are in line with your future vision of trading success.
  7. Remember top athletes like the late Kobe himself would visualize every night before a game of his success on the court. You can do this too for your trading as well as any success you want to see in your life.

If I could identify one of the major factors that have made me profitable and helped me in maintaining profitability, visualization would definitely be high on the list.

Everything starts in our minds and when we mentally prepare for the trading success, we want to see we naturally over time carry out the actions to bring about that success.

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