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Clear in 15 Rules For Every Men:

1. Never spend too much money on a woman.

2. Don't let anyone or any situation knock your confidence.

3. Don't try to please everyone.

4. Stop being afraid to admit when you are wrong.

5. Avoid setting your phone on the dinner table, whether it is for dinner, drinks, or both.

6. Control your lust, greed, and anger if you want to become a stronger man.

7. Take 1-3 seconds pause after getting asked a question.

8. Never go back to the woman who cheated.

9. Make your own decisions without seeking validation from others.

10. Don't hesitate to take risks.

11. Don't get jealous of other people's success.

12. A person's handshake can reveal a lot about them, so make it strong and firm.

13. Speak openly. Say exactly what you mean, and mean exactly what you say.

14. Never blame your parents. :earn to accept complete responsibility for them.

15. Your actions speak louder than anything anyone could ever say about you.

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