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What are the best romantic relationship tips?

1. Try to keep your standards and expectations in check. It’s good to have high standards and expectations. After all, why would you want to settle for less when you know you deserve better?

However, sometimes things can get a little chaotic when your standards and expectations gradually start to switch from being realistic to overly unrealistic.

For example, you can’t expect to find a man or woman who makes over 500k a year, looks like a model, is extremely intelligent with a great sense of humor, has 3 degrees, and enjoys skydiving as much as you do.

Surely, you can find someone who matches some of your requirements from the relationship checklist, but the longer your list is, the harder (or impossible) it’ll be for you to find someone who matches it all.

2. Don’t prioritize looks over personality. The physical beauty fades with time, but the inner beauty is eternal, no matter how much time passes.

Furthermore, the effect of physical beauty will wear off at some point, leaving you with nothing but a personality.

Then you may be hit with a sudden realization that your personalities aren’t compatible at all, making it difficult for you to understand each other on many levels and taking some of the harmony out of the relationship.

3. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Don’t let the little negative voice in your head control your every move and word. Remind yourself that you have no reason to act in a certain way just to impress someone. Be proud of who you are and express yourself without fearing judgment from other people.

4. Learn how to love yourself first. A lack of self-love may cause you to make the wrong decisions in the relationship department, making you falsely believe that the way you are being maltreated in your interpersonal relationships is your own fault.

Whether it’s a friendship or a romantic relationship, you may end up attracting wrong, toxic people in your life who may make you convinced that you’re the problem rather than them.

5. Share what you expect from your partner. It’s better to share your relationship expectations before you get into one. However, you can still do the same even after things are already official. Let your partner know what your expectations are and hear theirs in return to ensure a strong and respectful partnership.

6. Don't forget to set your boundaries. Tell your loved one if there are some things that make you uncomfortable so they won’t end up upsetting you unintentionally.

7. Choose someone with a compatible sense of humor. A little bit of humor is always welcome, especially during some stressful life moments. A compatible sense of humor can also help improve your bond and add excitement to your everyday life.

8. Ensure you have some common interests and shared values. You don’t have to agree with each other on everything, but having a couple of shared values can certainly help you not to feel alienated from each other.

As for common interests, it’s always great to have someone who appreciates the same things you do. It gives you a lot of group activity ideas and also additional conversation topics you can discuss.

9. Improve relationship communication skills. You may be a great communicator in most social settings but still fail when it comes to communication with your partner.

If you feel that’s the case, start by being more open and honest with them, even if it scares you, and encourage your partner to do the same as well.

With consistent practice, you’ll soon notice the positive effect that this little, seemingly insignificant change has on your relationship.

11. Don’t expect that the problems will go away on their own. This relates to the above-mentioned point as solving problems is also a part of practicing open communication.

No matter how difficult the situation seems, don’t give in to self-deception by convincing yourself that it’ll clear off on its own. Discuss it with your partner and try to work through it until you find a solution.

12. Gifts and dates. Once an exciting relationship can eventually turn into a dull one if you forget the importance of essential elements of a relationship, such as giving gifts and going on dates.

Just because you’ve been together for a year or are already married doesn’t have to mean you can no longer warm each other's hearts with occasional gifts (not on just special occasions) and by spending quality time on dates.

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