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5 Things I had to give up so I could be successful (and maybe you should too):

My current definition of success

Working on what I want, where I want, with the people I love and admire.

(Yours may differ)

  1. Limiting beliefs

Things I never would have believed 2 years ago:

  • I would hit 100K followers
  • I would be doing what I love for a living
  • I would become friends with a lot of my heroes

My advice:

Just start doing it.

Day be day, brick by brick, start building.

You can accomplish anything, but you have to get out of your own way first.

2. Good opportunities

This year I've turned down:

  • Podcast invites
  • Speaking events
  • Countless coffee meetings

This has given me time to launch my newsletter and transition to a full-time writer.

Sometimes you have to say “no” to good opportunities so you can say “yes” to great ones.

3. Distraction

I was a distraction addict.

  • YouTube rabbit holes
  • Netflix binge sessions
  • Constant scrolling

It was an escape from a life I wasn't happy with.

Now all of my attention is focused on building a life I don't need to get away from.

4. Looking for shortcuts

There's no magic pill.

There's no overnight success.

The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can start putting in the daily effort needed to succeed.

“ play long-term games with long-term people. All returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest”. —Naval Ravikant

5. My excuses

An important lesson I've learned:

Just because it's not your fault doesn't mean it's not your responsibility.

  • My age
  • My upbringing
  • My natural ability

I limited myself with these excuses for years.

The only way to gain power over my life was to take 100% responsibility for it.

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