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I was a SHY person for 23 years

Now I can show you how to be confident in 2 minutes:

  • Everyone is human

Remember that the people you think are 'cool' are actually no different to you.

Everyone has their own problems, insecurities and doubts.

Stop thinking they're better than you.

  • Give yourself credit

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Remember all the good things you have done.

Remember how far you've come.

You're doing great, just remind yourself of it more often.

  • Put yourself in uncomfortable situations

This is the best way to overcome shyness. Join a club, go to events and put yourself out there.

These uncomfortable situations will soon become comfortable, and then you will become confident a person.

  • Get in shape and dress well.

The easiest way to become confident is to look good.

If you don't like your appearance, you will shy away from social settings.

If you like your appearance you will be proud and confident in public settings.

  • Allow yourself to make mistakes.

As cheesy as it sounds, 'Rome was not built in a day'.

You're allowed to make mistakes. This is how we learn and grow as humans.

  • Less planning, more action.

Too much planning can lead to overthinking and anxiety.

Take action instead!

Also, the more times you do something, the more confident you will get.

  • Believe in yourself.

Even if you don't believe in yourself, you can trick your brain into believing.

Say "I am a confident person" 10 times

before going to bed every night.

It will be programmed into your subconscious and you will trick yourself into becoming confident!

  • Take risks.

I know it's scary, but you need to take risks.

If your dream looks too risky and scary, break it down into smaller parts.

Then it won't be as intimidating to pursue.

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