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10 Ways to identify a "Manipulator" before it’s too late

1. Their problems matter, yours don't.

Every story you tell, they have something better. Every trouble you face, they have something worse.

2. They don’t care about your boundaries.

Being with them leaves you feeling exhausted and confused. They don’t care who they hurt.

3. They don't express their feelings openly. Instead, they:

• Talk about you behind your back

• Try to turn others against you

• Say subtle things that leave you puzzled

4. Always drama

Be cautious of individuals who:

• Tell lies

• Spread rumors

• Exaggerate problems

5. Actions are different than words

Pay attention to what people speak…Observe what they actually do. Actions speak louder than words.

6. They try to convince you that you're at fault by denying your truth, making you feel ashamed, or emotionally withdrawing from you.

7. The Silent Treatment

They stay quiet to make you think their bad actions are your fault.

8. They lie and make things up to appear better.

They might stretch the truth to boost their image. Lies are used to boost their ego and control your perception. These individuals believe their own falsehoods, which can be harmful.

9. Feeling like a victim

They believe everyone is against them...

• People

• Society

• Government

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