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What can be some indications that you are a highly intelligent person?

1) Casual small talk bores you.

Highly intelligent people are not usually interested in trivial topics like celebrities, sports, or gossip in general.

These people usually choose to discuss topics more to their liking such as philosophy, ideas, controversial opinions, politics, sociopolitics, among others.

2) You are extremely diligent with your words.

Highly intelligent people tend to be very restrained with their words, they think very well before they speak.

3) They tend to be a bit awkward socially.

By having a more developed intelligence than most, these people tend to compensate with a less developed emotional and social intelligence.

4) It is difficult for you to make decisions.

Intelligent people, before making a decision, think about all the possibilities, all the angles and problems that this decision can bring.

5) Your mind constantly seeks to be exercised.

Your mind never rests and it seeks to constantly solve complex problems or think about hypothetical situations, which is why many highly intelligent people suffer from insomnia at bedtime.

These are some indications, I am not saying that because you are like this you are automatically highly intelligent, but if these types of behavior occur in people with high IQ.


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