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8 simple habits that will make you more masculine.

1. Control

Men today are weak and emotional.

Some of the guys that just read that sentence got offended.

Until 5 minutes ago, everyone knew that words could never hurt you.

Getting offended over trivial things is unmanly.

You must grow thick skin.

Control yourself.

2. Strength

Mental toughness and physical fitness inherently increase your masculine frame.

Endure difficulty without complaining.

Follow a strength-building protocol.

Build your muscles with weights.

Sharpen your mind with books.

3. Business

Business is the modern man's war.

It's where you strike out into the world and compete for resources.

There's nothing quite like building something of your own and getting paid for the value you created.

4. Martial

Get choked out in a jiu-jitsu class and the volume of your day-to-day life gets turned way down.

Choke someone else out and you learn what it feels like to best a man in combat.

Being able to throw a solid punch and defend yourself is mandatory.

5. Fraternity

Men have lived in tribes for 99.99% of our history.

The modern pandemic of friendlessness is unnatural.

You need other men to inspire you to level up but also poke holes in your ego.

They are your feedback mechanism, and feedback is the breakfast of champions.

6. Solitude

You need friends, but you also must be completely at peace when alone.

Self-reliance is the hallmark of a true man.

Start by sitting in silence with zero distractions for 5 minutes.

Increase the duration over time.

7. Purpose

What the fuck are you doing with your life?

If you don't have a good answer to that question, you're doing life backward.

You should have a clear mission and you should pursue your mission with every ounce of mettle you can muster.

8. Godly

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Constantly changing your mind is feminine.

A man should be constant, and the greatest constant in the universe is God.

Build your character and philosophy on the foundation of your connection with the High.

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