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35 Rules of IKIGAI that can literally transform your life

  1. Get out of your comfort zone and explore new territories.
  2. Prioritize important things ahead of urgent ones.
  3. Push aside what is neither essential nor worthwhile in your life.
  4. Baptize your project with a name that may spur you into action.
  5. Recover your childhood values and dreams.
  6. Always stay active, never retire.
  7. Do not eat until full.
  8. Practice giving your undivided attention to your every-day activities.
  9. Let yourself be carried along by the serendipities and other coincidences of your life.
  10. Carry out an alturistic act of kindness every day.
  11. Hug your loved ones regularly.
  12. Occasionally travel without a destination and allow yourself to be surprised.
  13. Take it easy - the rush is inversely proportional to the quality of life.
  14. Always aim the arrow of improvement at yourself.
  15. Distance yourself from the source of negativity.
  16. If you aim to improve by 10%, consider what you need to do to improve by 100%.
  17. Include at least one 'impossibility' in your day-to-day agenda.
  18. Practice patience and perseverance with what you have resolved to do.
  19. Devote 21 days to implementing a positive, new habit.
  20. Ask people you trust for feedback on what you are doing.
  21. Do just one thing at a time, without getting side-tracked.
  22. Write something personal for at least 5 minutes each day.
  23. Get to know your emotions.
  24. Take the crucial decisions you need at this time in your life.
  25. 'Sleep on' the questions you still have no answer to.
  26. Seek out a mentor who can guide you in your passion.
  27. Imitate and improve on what you like for your next project.
  28. Identify what you don't like in order to discover, through a process of elimination, what you do.
  29. Each week develop a virtue you want to strengthen.
  30. Share your passion with like-minded people to learn and improve together.
  31. Motivate yourself by recalling your life's greatest hits.
  32. Recognize your 'level one' friends and give them the attention you deserve.
  33. Join the dots from your past to understand your present.
  34. Establish a screen free and virtual life-free time slot.
  35. Make 'slow life' a part of your meals and leisure time.
  36. Follow this space for more interesting content

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