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15 habits of truly intelligent people

  1. They don't talk about how smart they are. Smart people are busy growing their minds
  2. They learn best by imitation. They study what works and try it.
  3. They try to figure things out themselves. They want to experiment & problem-solve. They want to struggle a little first and don't give up too soon.
  4. They're always hunting knowledge. They focus on what they want to Know, not what they already know.
  5. They don't brag about what they know. They apply their knowledge.
  6. They connect the dots. They look for connections between dissimilar things, read across fields and disciplines.
  7. They are comfortable with conflicting ideas. They can hold two conflicting ideas in their head at the same time, finding ways to admire each one.
  8. They ask lots of questions. They are curious.
  9. They abstract from their experiences. They analyze patterns in ordinary stuff and create theories to explain them, often by focusing on small details that are often overlooked.
  10. They seek out puzzles & paradoxes. They wrap their minds around things that can't/shouldn't make sense, knowing something caused it to happen.
  11. They don't get hung up on crumbs. They don't let the actions of others bother them, as long as it doesn't get in the way.
  12. They move slow, until they hit warp speed. They think about a problem before doing anything.
  13. They have no problem with failure. They view failed experiments as valuable information that brings them closer to their goal.
  14. They don't try to sound smart. They explain the complex in a simple way for anyone to understand.
  15. They don't always use big words. They use the right words - big or simple.
  16. Follow this space for more interesting content

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