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What are the two major types of leadership? Illustrate with examples.

The two major types of leadership are transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Here's a brief explanation of each type along with examples:

  1. Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their followers to go beyond their self-interests and achieve extraordinary outcomes. They focus on personal growth, development, and creating a vision that inspires others to follow. Transformational leaders exhibit the following characteristics:
  • Inspirational motivation: They communicate a compelling vision and inspire others by setting high expectations and demonstrating optimism and enthusiasm. They encourage creativity, innovation, and stretch goals. An example of a transformational leader is Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, who inspired his team with his vision of creating innovative and user-friendly products.
  • Intellectual stimulation: Transformational leaders encourage critical thinking, challenge the status quo, and foster a learning culture. They promote an environment where followers are encouraged to explore new ideas and find innovative solutions. For instance, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, encourages his teams to think outside the box and develop groundbreaking technologies.
  • Individualized consideration: Transformational leaders value each individual's unique strengths and needs. They provide support, mentorship, and personalized guidance to help their followers reach their full potential. Oprah Winfrey, media mogul and philanthropist, is known for her compassionate leadership style, offering individualized support and empowerment to her team members.
  1. Transactional Leadership: Transactional leaders focus on task-oriented goals and operate within existing systems and structures. They use rewards and punishments to motivate their followers and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently. Transactional leaders exhibit the following characteristics:
  • Contingent reward: They establish clear expectations and reward followers based on performance and meeting specific targets. They provide recognition, incentives, or promotions to reinforce desired behaviors. An example of a transactional leader is Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who rewards employees based on achieving performance metrics and meeting sales targets.
  • Management by exception: Transactional leaders monitor performance closely and intervene when deviations occur. They address issues and problems proactively, intervening to prevent mistakes or address shortcomings. In the military, for example, commanding officers may use management by exception to address deviations from established protocols and ensure operational efficiency.

It's important to note that leadership styles can vary, and leaders often exhibit a combination of transformational and transactional traits. Effective leaders adapt their approach based on the context, organizational needs, and the strengths and development areas of their team members.

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