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Is it true that Samuel L. Jackson got the role of Jules in "Pulp Fiction" because he was angry that day?

Samuel L. Jackson had passed his first audition for Pulp Fiction, in front of Tarantino and the producers, and was convinced he would get the part when he was called back for a second interview a few days later.

However, when he arrived at the cast for the second time, he had the unpleasant surprise of finding himself face to face with another actor in the waiting room, a certain Paul Calderón.

The latter was also called back for the role of Jules…

Jackson was therefore not the only one in contention, and that upset him.

And to top it off, Tarantino was running late, which bothered him – because he's so tight on schedules.

After 45 minutes of waiting, Samuel Jackson decided to go buy a hamburger, because he was hungry.

Upon his return, he was informed that Tarantino and the producers had just arrived and were ready to receive him.

It was then that Jackson, still quite upset, decided to appear in front of Tarantino and the producers with his hamburger.

"He walked into the room with a cheeseburger in one hand and a milkshake in the other," says Richard Gladstein, one of the producers. It smelled like fast food… With Quentin and Lawrence Bender (Editor's note: the other producer), we sat on a couch and high-fived him. But he didn't answer. He just looked at us.

Then he took a bite of his hamburger and continued to stare at us in silence with his evil gaze. He was eating his hamburger and drinking his milkshake, standing in front of us, silent, with a dark look on his face. I shit my pants! This guy was driving me crazy! I felt like he was going to pull out a gun and shoot us. His eyes were bulging, as if he wanted revenge.

When we saw that, we immediately knew he was perfect for the role and he landed it instantly without having to say a word."

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