1. Framing your thoughts in a negative outlook the night before.
2. Making decisions out of fear of dispointing others.
3. Engaging in gossip & drama just to feel involved in group activity.
4. You are a good person, but you waste time proving it to yourself.
5. Having a bad attitude, a demeaning tone & looking at the worst case scenario all of the time.
6. You don't pay enough attention to the negative behavior patterns.
7. Avoiding stressful interactions on social media instead of reconnecting with yourself.
8. Giving up your right to set boundaries to protect your peace.
9. Allowing negative energy to run your thoughts, chipping away at your mental health.
10. Keeping unhealed trauma & passing into new relationships.
11. Not saying "no" when your gut knows why.
12. Emitting negative energy through aggressive language.
13. Doing things that go against your values, going against your truth. Don't be inauthentic.
14. Life is interconnected, so one thing affects another. Karma's effects the bigger picture.
15. Activities that evoke a fear based emotion and aren’t stimulating actually drain your energy.
16. Relying on addictive behaviors i.e. alcohol gives you the "buzz" of happiness but wears off leaving you open to depression.
17. Eating genetically modified & highly processed foods is why your vibe is low 90% of the time.