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06 Things everyone should remember in their life.

  1. Our time on this earth is finite and may end sooner than we think. Live each day as if it were your last.
  2. Staying angry does not hurt the offending party at all. It only hurts you. Let it go.
  3. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve, want and pursue. To settle is the same as giving up.
  4. Never, ever compromise your integrity for anything or anyone. Having integrity is an essential part of living a good life.
  5. Never stop learning. Try to learn something new every day. This will lead to wisdom, insight and understanding…all of which are foundations of contentment.
  6. If you never fail, that means you never take risks. If you never take risks, that means you are not trying. If you never try, you will never know your full potential.

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