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It took me 10 years to learn these but I'll teach you in 3 minutes.

  1. You'll lose 99% of your close friends if you start upgrading your life.
  2. You'll be 10 times happier if you forgive your parents for their mistakes and start living life for yourself.
  3. A salary is a drug your employer gives you to forget your dreams.
  4. If you always wait for the ‘right time’ then you'll end up your whole life waiting.
  5. Train your mind to let people win arguments to conserve your mental peace and energy.
  6. The most prominent marker of maturity is when you stop taking things personally.
  7. By age 30 you should be more focused on earning money and thinking about starting your own family.
  8. You don't need to read another self help book, what you need to do is take action and be self disciplined.
  9. You'll be ahead from people running after degrees and fancy colleges if you focus on building your skills and your financial education.
  10. You will never get honesty and integrity from people who are lying even to themselves.
  11. The easiest thing in the world is to complain and the hardest thing in the world is to go after your dreams and make them true.
  12. People around you are trapped in toxic relationships because they are afraid to end up alone.
  13. Others are never going to come to save you from your problems. Only you'll need to get yourself out of the mess.
  14. You may love your friends and family a lot, but it's always wise to not tell them everything about yourself.

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