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Is there any book that means to you the most? Do epic shit

Do Epic Shit by Ankur Warikoo😊 is one of that book which means to me the most. Simply a great book written for day to day challenges faced by every human being. Here is the summary.☺️

We have to learn saying no to lots of things for making progress in day to day life. We have to say no to junk food, laziness, pornography,binge watching, fear jealousy,angreness,being coward etc so that we will say yes to good fitness, satisfied life,good sleep etc.

We always have 2 options or you can say choices to take in every circumstances. Either you can take easy one or right one. Easy one will give short term pleasure and happiness but long term regret and unhappiness. Right one will not be easy,it will test you on every path. You have to suffer a lot,you will deprived of sleep, enjoyment, party,fun etc. But after certain period of time it will pay in excellent way with exponential growth. You have to wait for that phase. In short you have to practice delayed gratification.

3 important relationships will define your life.

1.Relationship with Money

2. Relationship with time

3. Relationship with ourselves.

3 steps to accomplish any goal or target

One of the very important and thought provoking quote.

Mental health or well being plays an important role in achieving goals in our life. We have to take care of our mental health.

Share your journey.

Document your journey.

Narrate your journey.

Keep Reading. Keep Growing

~ Thinking Boxx 

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