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How to build reading habit

  1. Know your why

Most people start reading books without having a purpose in mind.

It's like shooting arrows without a clear target.

You should know why you want to read that book. Knowing your purpose to read will help you build interest in the book.

2. Make it obvious

According to the 1st law of Atomic habits, if you want to build a habit make it obvious.

So make the books obvious. Keep them on your desk, near your bed, on the sofa, and in other places.

The basic thing is to make the book more visible to you.

3. Schedule your reading time

Allot a fixed time slot in your daily routine for reading.

It can be 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or more than that, but make sure to read every day at the same time.

Having a fixed time will automatically signal your mind that it's reading time.

4. Start small

Most people when start reading, think that they should complete a book in a week or as quick as they can (HELL NO)

Start with a target of 10 pages a day. Once you get comfortable reading 10 pages, increase them gradually.

But start small and slowly grow because that's how the compound effect works.

5. Read what excites you

Don't worry about reading what other people say you should read. Instead, read whatever excites you.

If you like self-help, then start with reading self-help books, if you like fiction, then start with fiction. That's it.

As the Naval said,

“Read what you love until you love to read ”.

Read what you like to read and enjoy reading more and more.

6. Always carry a book

Taking a book with you makes you read more.

Make sure to carry a book with you wherever you go, either in the form of a physical book, or an ebook.

That way you're able to read whenever you get a chance instead of scrolling on social media.

7. Create no distraction zone

Turn off all the gadgets, notifications, and things that distract your attention.

Create a no distraction zone

Make sure to not get distracted when you are reading.

Reading with individual attention helps you to reach the flow state of mind.

8. Join book clubs

Follow people who share and talk about books.

Joining the book clubs helps you to know more about books and helps you to read more.

Staying among those people will help you find interest in reading books.

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