1: His circle of friends is a 10th of the size of yours. Quality > quantity.
2: She doesn't know (or care) who got voted off the island.
3: He doesn't need your money advice.
4: She's a millionaire because she majored in computer science, not medieval basket-weaving.
5: He sold that over-priced BMW years ago to someone who is $50,000 in credit card debt.
6: She strength trains at least 3x a week.
7: He meets weekly for coffee with 4 other people and talks business, money and opportunities for growth.
8: She reads at least an hour a day.
9: He has a one-year rainy day fund and sleeps like a baby at night because of it.
10: She has a one-year, five-year, and 10-year career and life plan.
11: He invests before spending.
12: She doesn't give two shits what you buy. She didn't get rich by keeping up with you.
13: He gets up at the same time every day of the week (including weekends). Circadian rhythm is a life hack.
14: She drinks at home, not at bars.
15: He's never paid a single dollar in credit card interest.
16: She invests only in index funds. No day-trading. No individual stocks.
17: He automates everything. Investments. Bill pay. Everything.
18: She changes companies every three to four years.
19: He chooses friends who are more successful than he is.
20: She hasn't watched the news in 20 years.