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10 powerful habits that boost productivity

  1. Set a clear goal

Identify your actual plan and goal, and set a timeline to achieve them.

2. Prioritise tasks

Start your day with a to-do list, know what is most important, and complete that task first.

3. Plan and organise

Plan tasks and organise your day with tools like a calendar, a list, and, more.

4. Break big goals into smaller ones

Big plans are tough to achieve, which is why you should break big goals into smaller and more achievable ones.

5. Time management

Try some effective time management techniques like the pomodoro technique, in which you have to work for 25 minutes and take some time to test.

6. Eliminate distractions

You can do this by turning off mobile notifications and choosing a quiet place to work.

7. Take regular breaks

Taking small breaks during work is very important to increase productivity.

8. Self care is a must

Practice self care activities like meditation, get enough sleep to feel energized, and eat nutritious food so that you can feel better mentally as well as physically.

9. Work life balance

Maintain a healthy work life balance by spending quality time with loved ones. Devote your time to relaxation, hobbies, and exercise.

10. Continuous learning

Develop the habit of continuous learning and self improvement. Stay updated with industry trends, acquire new skills, and look for ways to enhance your knowledge.

BONUS Stop multitasking

Instead, focus on one task at a time and move on to the next one after completing the first one.

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