Manifested wishes.
Manifested wishes give an individual the gift of trust in our intuitions and God in our pursuits on earth . It is basically derived from a successful endeavour achieved without too much distress or effort expended in realizing it. The fulfilment is above all other emotions combined and will essentially lead to contentment in life.
When we put ourselves to task ,and under all considerations decide to pursue what elevates the standards of our existence (with a worthwhile resonance to pursue it) we derive a dedication that is unchallenged. But the rewards are more important than the reality we expected and this may open up avenues for deep positive emotions that arise after the revelation is confirmed.
Majority of wishes dont come to friution in the anticipated time expected and thats why the emotions involved in the possible realization of a wish are the most fulfilling without a doubt. The elation and pleasure may render you oblivious about the outcome while exemplifying the outcome of our pursuits.
Our dreams and wishes materialise without a doubt as long as our existences concur with a positive outlook on our daily interactions and the utmost respect for our creator.
So,never giveup on your wishes because the outcome of their perception is a means tobe contented and this is reflected in the purpose of a successful life.