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Who and what is a glaring example of “a friend in need is a friend indeed”?


Narendra Modi is indeed a person of great humanitarian commitment in the world today among the head of the States. Yesterday in the afternoon around 3 o'clock a devastating earthquake having the epicenter in Turkey with a magnitude of 7.9 took place. Indian Prime Minister within hours arranged C-130Hercules aircraft to rush from Agra base with field hospital facilities to Turkey without any reservations.

In the past Turkey president Recep Tayyib Erdogan's anti India stand on the international forums did not stay in the way of rendering humanitarian assistance. The response for the human aid was instantaneous and without any hesitation. Narendra Modi is a Magnanimous person. In the recently presented Indian budget Narendra Modi has instructed his finance Minister to ear mark 200 crores rupees of financial aid to Afghanistan. Out of 53 Islamic countries in the world most of them have great respect for Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The entire Arab world is with him.The prosperous and prominent Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt are Narendra Modi's allies in all the international forums. Iran is doing business with India in rupees.

For our great dismay , the decimated Indian opposition parties led by congress, communists and few other splinter groups have been critical of Narendra Modi for no reason except for their political devaluation! They have been shouting from the rooftop blaming Narendra Modi for the Godhra roits labelling him as anti Muslim which is a nonsensical political rhetoric.

If Pakistani Prime Minister Mr Sharif takes a bold step in requesting Narendra Modi for help to overcome it's financial criticality, Narendra Modi would be more than a friend in need. Mr Sharif can offer a deal like handing over an United nation designated terrorist like Dawood Ibrahim maybe also Hafiz Sayeed to India. We hope Mr Sharif should be bold enough to break the ice which has been freezing for the past 75 years.Why not to break the ice when your own existence is in peril?

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