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What are some awesome psychological facts?

  • The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
  • The average man gets bored of shopping after 26 minutes.
  • Never use your favorite song as your alarm clock. You’ll end up hating it.
  • If you want someone to listen to you, start the conversation with” I shouldn’t be telling you this”.
  • Don’t argue through text messages. The lack of tone decreases the meaning of the words.
  • People are more honest when physically tired. This is why most people confess things during late night conversations.
  • Cherophobia: the fear of happiness. People with this cherophobia believe that every time they feel happy, something bad will happen and ruin it.
  • The most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. It can make people see the flaws in their logic.
  • It’s possible to die from a broken heart. It’s called Stress Cardiomypathy.
  • Athazagoraphobia: the fear of being forgotten or ignored by someone who you strongly care about.
  • When ignored by someone who means a lot to you, the reaction in your brain is similar to physical pain.
  • Boys are actually more emotionally affected by relationship troubles than girls. They just know how to hide it well.
  • You’re more likely to be easily attracted to someone you have no chance with.
  • If you can’t stop your stream of thoughts at night, get up and write them down. This will set your mind at ease so you can sleep.
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